A short report today. Getting ready for th services tomorrow and a mid-week trip to Texas for our grand daughters wedding. (She graduated today from SMU.)
Pray for Linda's strength for the trip. It's a close call - whether she has the strength - but her grandmother's is pushing her. We discovered that she is very anemic.
We had 3 saved at the youth meeting and one after the service Sunday. Our Tapatio Center team is preparing for an evangelistic outreach in Ocotlán. (A city 60 miles away where the work is being reestablished after a pastor fell. Please pray for that effort.)
Our Puerto Vallarta Center recently celebrated a water baptismal service. Pics below. Today our team from the Tabachines Center is helping the fifth Titus 2 session in Tepic.
I got an email from one of my ministry sons - hadn't heard from him for a long time. He reports he is carrying on the work in one of the villages we worked many years ago.
Good news from all around. praise the Lord.
Urgent prayer request - one of our dear pastor friends and his wife asked us to get you to pray. Lety is dealing with breast cancer, and right in the midst of that the doctors discovered a tumor in her right lung - a very aggressive form of cancer. Please pray for her healing.
God bless you. Have a great time with God's folks in His House tomorrow.
In Him,
Roger & Linda
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