Greetings and Blessings from Mexico!
This will be a short one - got back from grand daughter's wedding and some preaching appointments - Linda really under the weather - so been getting ready for this weekend and next week amidst doctor's visits and lab tests. Pray for her, please.
Paul and Theresa Koehler are with us for a few days - we are finding out all we can about Bible story telling from them. We aren't letting them have a vacation.
Both of them ministered to the monthly Youth meeting Saturday night and Paul ministered in three of our area churches today.
Tomorrow they will minister morning and evening to our pastors from five states at our quarterly meeting.
Tuesday through Thursday they will minister in workshops for our folks to learn to be better stortytellers.
Please pray for them and these activities - and for our travling pastors.
Six people prayed for salvation last Sunday at the Angulo church downtown Guadalajara. Two more prayed in our "Estadio" mission and another man prayed at the Tepic missions.
I am attaching a short chapter of our first year in Mexico along with this. As the Psalmist said, "God has done great things for us, whereof we are glad!"
Your prayers are so important and so much a reason for the blessings God is pouring out on us here in Mexico.
God bless you!
In Him,
Roger & Linda West
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