Thursday, June 2, 2011

Update April 24

Greetings from Guadalajara - the city of the Holy Spirit!

"Why do you seek the living One among the dead?... He is not here, but He has risen." Lk 24.5-6

Isn't is a grand thing that we celebrate? Jesus, our Savior and Lord, Conqueror of death and Giver of Life! Of course we celebrate that reality every day that we live! And never forget that we have a Heavenly calling and divine commission to take that message to the nations.

Last week 2 people came to the Lord in the Estadio mission. In Tepic the fourth Titus 2 session was given. 50 women were present. God is doing a wonderful work in the hearts of those ladies through these studies. Tepic is a center of violence in the Mexican drug war - yet the church moves forward in faith and victory.

We are going through some "rough stuff" in the work here at the moment. Its not really something we can share - but would request your prayers for victory.

I am sending along our April Good News from Mexico prayer letter. This would be Vol 45, No. 4. We praise the Lord for you, your prayers and support and your friendship and love. You help keep us here, sharing the wonderful and powerful Gospel of the Kingdom in Mexico and beyond.

Have a joyful thankful and worshipful Resurrection Sunday.

In Him,

Roger and Linda

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