"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9.23
I was impressed with the disciple's response to Jesus' call (Mat.4) He said, "Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men." And they left all immediately and followed Him. They didn't ask "Where", "Why", "For how long" - they just began to follow Him. That's the same kind of response He expects from us today!
I didn't get my update out yesterday - a powerful wind storm followed by a terrible electrical storm knocked out all electrical power. The rainy season has begun here! A good change (cooler) in climate with some undesireable side effects.
We had a good week with Paul and Teresa Koehler learning more about Storying (Bible story telling.) Paul ministered 9 times while here and they were both a blessing. We had a good regional pastors' meeting last Monday. And a powerful youth meeting Saturday. Then three days of workshop meetings on Tuesday through Thursday.
Three people prayed for salvation at Angulo in the service. One of our young pastors, Octavio, was sharing a Bible story with a lady. She accepted the Lord as a result. Others had similar testimonies to share.
I appreciate your prayers for Linda. She is a little better, but still not well. No pain at present, but also no energy or strength. Thanks for praying for her...us.
I am sending along another episode in the series of our time in San Isidro.
In His Grace,
Roger & Linda
1 comment:
We wanted to save all of your "Stories"about your journey in Mexico, however, Number 6 of y our first year is the same as #5 and there is none after THAT....The story that began in Celaya is not there. Are you posting it later?
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