Thursday, June 2, 2011

Update February 27

Greetings to you from “South of the Border Down Mexico Way”,

The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children.
Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth. Psalm 115 14-15

I am writing this around recording Agua Viva programs for next month. Linda and I are flying to Dallas on March 2 for the annual MRC board meeting there. By the way you can check out our (still under construction) new web page at under our new image name of Master’s Resourcing Commission. And we are making it possible to donate to us and the other MRC missionaries via PayPal.

Linda is getting better right along – this trip is a test run. I personally believe she’s going so she can see great grandbabies as much as to be at the board meeting. But who can blame her? Thanks for your prayers for her.

And thanks for all the prayers for Doris – Pastor Nicanor’s daughter. The doctors are absolutely amazed. God did a MAJOR miracle in healing her broken body. She’s home with her husband and kids now – I talked to her this morning. She’s up and about...not bedfast. Truly astounding.

We had 2 pray for salvation last Sunday and 5 received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We also dedicated five babies to the Lord.

We would appreciate your prayers for us on this trip to Dallas, for the board meeting itself, a safe trip up and back and for Linda’s strength. Your prayers have been so effective! James 5.16 is working.

Have a wonderful and EXCITING day in the Lord’s House tomorrow.

In Him,

Roger & Linda

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