"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4.6-7
Yes, I am sending this a day early. The reason being, I want to ask you to pray for Linda as she speaks at a women' meeting tomorrow morning. Several important government officials and their wives are expected to be present, plus women from all across the city. Many of them are not Christians. After speaking, Linda has been asked to make an altar call. Pray that many of those present will come to know the Savior.
I would also like for you to pray for me - next Tuesday morning I am scheduled for a cataract surgery on my right eye. The left one was done some time back, and is fine. So, thanks for your prayers.
Good friends Ken and Deany Lowry would really appreciate your prayers, especially from 22 July – 10 August as they “prayer walk” and minister to church groups in Dublin, London Aberdeen and Edinburgh.
This morning I attended the graduation of Stephanie Collin from nuersing school. Stephanie is the daughter of Steve Collins (my cousin) and Juanita Anaya, my secretary. (They are married! For over 26 years.) We are proud of Stephanie. Pics below.
God bless you - have a wonderful weekend. And thank for your prayers.
In Him,
Roger & Linda
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