But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" 1 Cor 1.30
We had one person pray for salvation in the service last Sunday. That one plus several others who received the Promise of the Father brought on a time of powerful celebration of people gathered at the altar.
We ask you to pray for a young lady by the name of Blanquita (picture below). We got a call asking us to visit her in her home. She is dying of MS and her time seems to be very short. When one of our couples visited them, Blanquita and her mother and 2 neighbor ladies gave their hearts to the Lord. We believe God is able to heal Blanquita - would you pray for that with us?
And we seem to be nearing the anser concerning our immigration paper work (change of address.) Please pray for that to be accomplished quickly, now.
Have you seen the website GodRev.com? Go there, then click on "Joy in Heaven" and watch as people all around the world pray to receive the Lord Jesus. Almost 10,000 prayed that prayer this last week. Check it out!
God bless you - we deeply appreciate your prayers for us and the Lord's work here.
Have a great Lord's Day!
Roger & Linda
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