Linda and I just returned from a funeral. Sister Gregoria was one of our earliest members at the Angulo Center. 81 years old, and now she is with Jesus. Its such a blessing to KNOW the one we bury is with Jesus. I tell the people all the time, "You owe it to your loved ones to believe on Jesus and live in such a way that they know you are in Heaven."
Last Sunday 4 new people prayed for salvation at the Angulo church. Two more at the Tepic mission church, and two across town at the Tonala church.
Sunday night a lady received healing in hearing at the Angulo service, and 2 people baptized in the Holy Spirit at the Tonala church.
Last night at the Los Fresnos cell meeting a couple received the Lord, as well. Praise be to God!
Monday we have a quarterly pastors' meeting here in Guadalajara. These times of fellowship and inspirational teaching are always a blessing. Please pray for safe travel for all the pastors and their wives.
The picture is of associate pastor Octavio and his wife, Rosalba. They visited the village of one of our men and 5 people prayed for salvation.
Thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful Lord's Day celebration with some of God's kids in your area.
In Him,
Roger and Linda