Sunday, April 22, 2012

Update April 15

Greetings and Blessings from Mexico.

“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10.22

“Count your blessings, name them one by one” – easier said than done, because they are so many!

We are doing Bible story telling in all of our Word ministry these days. What a powerful thing it is proving to be!

Pastor Octavio and wife Rosalba are raising up a mission in a section of Guadalajara called Buenos Aires. They found Angel Hernandez totally bedfast and absolutely unable to talk. He was absolutely helpless.

Octavio told him stories from the Bible. That started about a month ago. This past week he is sitting up and able to talk.
He has prayed for salvation and his family tells everyone, “When these brothers started coming, Angel was not able to move or talk. Now look at him.”

The story that brought him to faith in the Savior was about the thief on the Cross, and how he cried out to Jesus to save him.

Linda is still slowly improving. Little by little. We are so thankful for her progress. Thanks so much for praying.

We had a strong quake here last week and numerous aftershocks. Signs of His soon coming!

While you are praying, please remember Brenda. She lives in Ahualulco, a small town not far from Guadalajara. Doctor Paty Rivera from our church met her while doing her internship in that town. Brenda was a total non believer. She is coming along in her faith. But it is such a violent and dangerous drug infested place. Twenty seven people have been killed in the last seven days there. She fears for her life.
What a powerful thing prayer is! Yours are so important and so effective. We appreciate them more than we can say!

Have a blessed time in Father’s House with some of His other kids.

In Him,
Roger & Linda

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