"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together." Palm 34.3
We have so many reasons to magnify the Lord! Don't we?
We had people come to Jesus for salvation in the missions and cells. On Monday we had a wonderful time with our pastors’ in our regular quarterly meeting. The men and their wives came from all over the city and from five states for a great time of fellowship, ministry and food!
Linda was having a hard time negotiating the trip from the bedroom to the kitchen just a few weeks ago. I was so happy to have her with me in the services all day long both Sunday and Monday! That's real progress. Praise God.
We had an all night prayer vigil for the young people of Guadalajara on Friday night here - and a Saturday night united service for our own young people on Saturday night. I am encouraged to see how God is working among the youth how they are responding to Him.
Last Sunday I preached at our AgrÃcola Center (the pastor' 15th anniversary as pastor there. Tomorrow I preach an early service at our Trece Center in south Guadalajara before preaching the main service at the downtown Angulo Center. Thank you for your prayers.
And Linda and I both are always blessed by your prayers, support and encouragement. The words of Jesus have never been more true - The fields are white unto harvest and the laborers are few.
God bless you. Have a great time worshiping Father tomorrow.
In Him,
Roger & Linda
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