Can you believe this is already the last day of February? Time FLIES!
Earthquakes, tsunamis, signs of the end. Time short, and the harvest fields have scarcely been touched!
People ARE coming to the Lord (2 at Angulo last Sunday.) Over 10,000 on I have to believe many more through our Agua Viva programs, here in Mexico and over the Internet.
Some major, dramatic answers to prayer this last week - all praise to God. Thank you for praying with us.
We had baby dedications last Sunday. A young couple (Jorge and Vianey - their first child) and Felix and Ofelia - a real miracle.
Ofelia was diagnosed with precancerous tumors in her uterus. The doctors wanted do a hysterectomy right away. Ofelia said, No. God had given her a promise 7 years ago that she would have a baby. The doctors said it was too big a risk - for her and the baby (though they didn't believe she could even become pregnant.) But she did. And Sunday we deciced Ana Berenice to the Lord.
Photos below.
So many manifestations of God's love and goodness, His power and glory. These are exciting days. We are so happy and so blessed that you are praying with us for the Harvest here in Mexico.
Thank you. God bless you. Have a delightful time in His House tomorrow with some of His other saints!
In Him,
Roger & Linda
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