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Greetings and end of the month blessings!
Can you believe this is already the last day of February? Time FLIES!
Earthquakes, tsunamis, signs of the end. Time short, and the harvest fields have scarcely been touched!
People ARE coming to the Lord (2 at Angulo last Sunday.) Over 10,000 on I have to believe many more through our Agua Viva programs, here in Mexico and over the Internet.
Some major, dramatic answers to prayer this last week - all praise to God. Thank you for praying with us.
We had baby dedications last Sunday. A young couple (Jorge and Vianey - their first child) and Felix and Ofelia - a real miracle.
Ofelia was diagnosed with precancerous tumors in her uterus. The doctors wanted do a hysterectomy right away. Ofelia said, No. God had given her a promise 7 years ago that she would have a baby. The doctors said it was too big a risk - for her and the baby (though they didn't believe she could even become pregnant.) But she did. And Sunday we deciced Ana Berenice to the Lord.
Photos below.
So many manifestations of God's love and goodness, His power and glory. These are exciting days. We are so happy and so blessed that you are praying with us for the Harvest here in Mexico.
Thank you. God bless you. Have a delightful time in His House tomorrow with some of His other saints!
In Him,Roger & Linda
Victorious and Joyful Greetings from Acatlan de Juarez, Mexico!
God answers prayer. He's answered several this week! We believe He's in the process of several more immediate answers.
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jer 33.3
I wrote about last weekend's travels and services. The Union de Tula pastor emailed me this week. Several people received the Lord in that building dedication service, and several people gave testimony of healing, as well. PTL.
As we drove down to Union de Tula we passed the Kilometer 5 highway marker. That's the spot where almost a whole worship team was wiped out by a drunk driver almost 20 year ago. Its still an eery feeling...they were on their way to celebrate special meetings at our El Grullo church, but ended up celebrating in Heaven instead. I saw the 85 K marker earlier...thought, they had 10 K left to live and didn't know it. They weren't PLANNING on going to Heaven that day, but they were ready!
I am attaching our February prayer letter. Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and support!
Please pray for conferences we have on the schedule for every day next week - besides the regular services. And for an especially important meeting on Monday morning.
Have a special, intimate time with the Lord in His House tomorrow, together with others of His kids.
In Him,
Roger and Linda
Greetings and Dia de Amistad y Amor blessings
(Translation - Valentine's day in Mexico, Day of Friendship and Love)
Between some Internet problems and very busy schedule, here we are, late again. But we could tell you were praying, nevertheless.
We preached at the dedication of th building at Union de Tula (2 hrs south of Guadalajara Saturday night. Full house and 3 people prayed for salvation. We also prayed for several sick folks and some special needs. We got home at midnight.
The Union de Tula pastor, Jose Reyes is also a product of our Agua Viva radio program. His grand parents heard the program and got saved. Soon the whole family was saved. Now Jose is one of our veteran pastors. (Pictured below with his family.)
Sunday I took one of my cell members with me to Zamora (3 hours from Guadalajara) and preached at the 28th anniversary of the church there. Again, full house and 5 people indicated they received the Lord. And again we prayed for some special needs and healing after the message.
Here at the Angulo downtown Guadalajara church 3 more people prayed for salvation. They also had a good service.
Thank you for being a part of the work and soul winning here through your prayers.
Linda is better - still not well. She went with me Saturday but had no strength for the Sunday trip. Your prayers for her are much needed and much appreciated.
I trust you had a great time worshipping the Lord with the saints there yesterday. Have a blessed and exciting week serving our King!
In His Grace,
Roger & Linda
Greetings and blessings in the Mighty Name of Jesus.(We have been teaching on Hebrews one for a couple of weeks. What a mighty Savior we have.)Last Saturday the lights went out and I couldn't send my update until Monday. I thought it was going to be a repeat today, but they came back on, Praise God.We only had one saved last week - and 2 in Tepic. And Pastor Juan Muñoz from Leon reports people being saved and dramatic answers to prayers.A five month old baby was healed of a fatal liver condition. The doctors ran tests and confirmed it. PTL.We have been enjoying our son, Carey Vaughn all this week. He leaves early Monday morning. Its been good. We hadn't seen him for 2 years!Next Saturday we will be at an anviversary celebration at Union de Tula, and Sunday at the Zamora church's anniversary.We appreciate your prayers for us as we travel, and as we minister. Friends like you praying for us is an incredible blessing.We are so thankful to the Lord for you and for your prayers.God bless you in His House with His people tomorrow.In Him,Roger & Linda
Greetings and Blessings in Jesus.
“Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Psalm 119.18
Where’s the Update? Here it is. Why is it late? The power went out here last night until this afternoon.
(Maybe “sympathy pains” with much of the Midwest and their ice storms and outages?)
At any rate, we praise the Lord for a good ministry and fellowship visit from Ken and Deany Lowry.
Ken ministered Saturday night at the bi-monthly city-wide youth meeting, Sunday at the downtown Angulo Center and Sunday night at the Tonalá Center. Monday morning and evening Ken ministered to the quarterly pastors’ meeting here in Guadalajara. And Deany ministered to the pastors’ wives. We work you when you come!
Six people prayed for salvation at Angulo and 4 at Tonalá and another young man came to the Lord at the youth meeting on Saturday. Praise God.
A new couple came from the Agua Viva radio program and they received the Lord, too. Sunday night the Lord healed a lady’s hip and touched a number of others, as well.
Linda is a little better today. I think our son’s coming visit this next week might be a positive factor in that!
Your prayers are SO vital to us and the ministry here. We really depend on them. So, thank you for praying.
Please continue praying for a very special friend and outstanding missions leader, Avery Willis, recently diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia.
Have a great week ahead.
In Him,
Roger & Linda
Sunday Morning Greetings from Acatlan, Mexico!I'm late! It's been a busy weekend. Ken and Deany Lowry are here with us for a few days. Ken ministered last night at the united youth service (photos below) and I ministered Friday and Saturday at a local prophetic conference. Now we are getting ready for the services today at 2 different churches, and an all day pastor's meeting tomorrow.I need for you to pray for Linda. She is not doing well at all. The Lord knows what the problem is, but the doctors are still searching. We are going to the doctors but looking to Heaven for the real answer. Please pray.Please pray for the meetings today and tomorrow, as well. Your prayers are so important to us and the Lord's work here. We appreciate them SO MUCH.Have a wonderful time in His House today...we're going to.In His Grace,Roger and Linda