Today the downtown Angulo Street church celebrates its 34th anniversary! We are expecting a 'miracle catch' today, as our people bring lost friends to the celebration.
Tomorrow10 of our young people leave for the state of Chiapas for a missions trip. It is a rather risky area - please pray for safe travels and protection there as they minister.
Mildred McMath, a dear friend and a missionary with Missionary Revival Crusade went HOME this past week. Our prayers are with her family. She and her husband, J.B.(in Heaven, too) were effective and fruitful missionaries in Guadalajara for almost 20 years before leaving the field here.
Former MRC Board member Don Loose recently lost his wife to Heaven's glory, as well. Our prayers are with Don, too.
Linda's team had another good Titus 2 meeting with the present group of 70 women. They have three more meetings to go...July, August and September.
We had 5 people come to the altars for salvation Sunday. As I said above -we are expecting for more today - thanks for praying with us for that.
Have a glorious Lord's Day.
We do appreciate your prayers for us.
P.S. I will have word on Arturo Gomez sometime this week.
Please keep praying.
In Him,
Roger & Linda
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